Thursday, February 6, 2014

Throwback Thursday

Been pretty quiet on the blog-front here lately.
I’ve been wanting to post some old pictures for a while now,
and finally got around to scanning a few.
So, just for fun… some oldies, but goodies. Enjoy!  : )

Perry VE family… 1986
Perry & Char, Erin, Sarah, Joel, & Bethany


Doon Centennial, June 1992
All of the above plus Sherry & Valen
The dress I’m wearing in this picture is still hanging with the “dress-ups”
at my parents house as of a week or two ago. : )


Bill DJ family… Bill & Pat, Brenda, Paul, & Beth


Untitled-1Dad, Paul, Beth, & Joanna
On a blue tractor, of course! ; )


  1. These are some seriously funny pictures. What memories of the costumes and such--crazy fun! The glasses, plaid dresses, frilly dress on Bethany--could be for real dress-up NOW... styles are crazy! Do you notice how styles are coming back in like that? I'm feeling old b/c I'm NOT liking them b/c they were AROUND already ONCE in my lifetime :) Enough rambling, but LOVE the tulips on that picture. Grandpa's knack, for sure. Love sent to you guys!
