Thursday, February 20, 2014

Throwback Thursday (Valentine-style)

I know, I know… Valentine’s Day was last week, and I was planning to post this then,
but didn’t get it done in time. Better late than never, right? ; )

Here are a few of our old favorites…

First picture together
Erin's senior prom, April of ‘99
(If I remember right, this was our 3rd date : )


First picture as Mr. & Mrs
August 10, 2001 in Hull PRC


Graduation from USD & Dordt
May 10 & 11, 2002


5-year Anniversary, August 2006
Sioux Falls, SD


10-year Anniversary, August 2011
Okoboji, IA


Sketched in a booth Chuck E. Cheese’s
Spring of 2010
(Yes, that is Kara’s head in the bottom right corner : )

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Before & After

We’ve lived in this house for over 5 months now,
but we’ve got a ways to go in the home décor department.
I decided to surprise Paul by decorating our room
on Valentine’s Day while he was at work.

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Before & after


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Before & after


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& after

It was a little crazy getting everything ready and keeping it a secret,
(not to mention that I’ve never used a drill before in my life… yikes!)
but it was all well worth it. He was definitely surprised! : )

Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is typically an all-day celebration at our house,
and this year was no exception…

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Luke’s Valentines… superheroes for the boys “Have a SUPER Valentine’s Day!”
and princesses for the girls “Have a magical Valentine’s Day!” : )


Evan & Jenna with “Bee Mine” honey for their teachers,
and candy airplanes & fancy Rolos for their classmates.

photo 1 (2)  photo 2 (2)
Kara’s Starbursts & Evan’s candy airplane


Heart-shaped muffins for breakfast


Qian & Kara making Valentine cupcakes


Valentine’s supper…
heart shaped pizza, breadsticks, jello, watermelon kabobs & cupcakes


Ryan checking out his Valentine card from Grandma & Grandpa


Beautiful flowers from Paul

I surprised Paul with a Valentine’s day master bedroom/bathroom makeover…
Before & after pictures coming soon : )

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Throwback Thursday

Been pretty quiet on the blog-front here lately.
I’ve been wanting to post some old pictures for a while now,
and finally got around to scanning a few.
So, just for fun… some oldies, but goodies. Enjoy!  : )

Perry VE family… 1986
Perry & Char, Erin, Sarah, Joel, & Bethany


Doon Centennial, June 1992
All of the above plus Sherry & Valen
The dress I’m wearing in this picture is still hanging with the “dress-ups”
at my parents house as of a week or two ago. : )


Bill DJ family… Bill & Pat, Brenda, Paul, & Beth


Untitled-1Dad, Paul, Beth, & Joanna
On a blue tractor, of course! ; )