Friday, May 7, 2021

Honors Orchestra 2021

 Luke & Evan both participated in honors orchestra concerts this past weekend.
Here are a couple of videos from each of their performances...

Luke playing cello with the middle school honors orchestra at LeMars Community High School
(He's the tall one in the white shirt, second row from the back on the right hand side)
 "Agincourt" by Doug Spata

"Catharsis" by Bob Phillips

Evan with the high school honors orchestra at Northwestern College in Orange City
(He's in the second row from the back toward the left side in a white shirt. Kinda hard to see.)
"Russian Sailor's Dance" by Merle Isaac

"The Quest" by Robert Kerr


  1. Really cool opportunities for your kids to use their God-given talents. Great job and kudos on an accomplishment that involves a lot of hard work and practice!

    1. Thank you! They definitely appreciate these opportunities more now, after so many of them have been cancelled due to COVID! ;)
