Saturday, December 26, 2020

De Jong Family Christmas Concert 2020

Here is our annual De Jong Family Christmas concert performed by the De Jong cousin instrumentalists. Enjoy!☺

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Trinity CHS Winter Program

 In case you missed it, you can watch Trinity CHS's winter program below.

If you don't have time to watch the entire program, you can watch the "Hallelujah Chorus" at this first link. It was beautiful! Enjoy!

Trinity CHS Winter Program

Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas Piano Recital

Here are some videos from our kids' annual Christmas piano recital. Enjoy!

Ryan playing "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus"

Kara playing "For Unto Us"

Jenna playing "In the Bleak Midwinter"

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Combined Junior High Program

Yesterday Luke & Kara participated in the annual fall program with both our school and Hull PR school. Due to the current pandemic situation, it was a virtual performance this year. 

You can view the concert in it's entirety below, but due to it's length, I've included  links to the parts Luke & Kara were involved in. Enjoy!☺

Combined band starts here:

Our NWIPRS choir starts here:

The combined Hull PR & NWIPR choir starts here:


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Family Pics 2020

Hannah Lea ~ 14 months

Mary Camille ~ 4 years

Ryan Perry ~ 8 years

Kara Brielle ~ 11 years

Luke William ~ 13 years

Evan James ~ 15 years

Jenna Grace ~ 17 years

~ The kids ~

~ Mom & Dad ~

~ The whole family ~

~ Photo credit Kelsey Klarenbeek ~

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Jenna's Senior Pictures

 It's hard to believe, but we have a senior in high school!
Jenna's enjoying her senior year and all the perks that go along with it.

Here are a few of her favorite senior pictures...

.Photo credit goes to Aunt Valen...
We're thankful she was willing to take these while she was here this summer.
It was so fun, and she took beautiful pictures as always!

Monday, October 5, 2020

Combined Chapel Videos

 Here are a few videos from our school's annual fall Combined Chapel with Edgerton. Enjoy!

Ryan with grades 3 -5

Kara & Luke with grades 6-8

Both schools, grades K-8

Friday, September 25, 2020

September 2020

 Hope you enjoy this long-overdue update of what we've been up to lately!

Hannah & Mary having fun at the park

Our 3rd teenager and first kid in braces

The taste of summer

Honey & Hannah

Hi, Mom!

Am I not supposed to be up here?

Hiking at Oak Grove

They sure love their Daddy!


So much for the yardstick trick

Snack time!

Going for a ride

Evan's new wheels

Little sweetheart

Getting so big

The newest member of our family.... "Princess"

Getting some pool time in

Train ride at Fields of Fun

Ryan enjoyed the hayride

Happy Fall!

And last but not least, Hannah's walking!

Monday, August 24, 2020

Back to School 2020

 Everyone was very excited to go back to school today... so much so that they didn't even complain too much about the traditional first-day-of-school picture! 😊

Celebrating a HOT first day back at school!

We're so thankful for our covenant schools and our teachers!
Praying for God's abundant blessing on our new school year!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Congratulations, Evan!

Evan graduated from 8th grade last week...

We were very thankful to be able to have a graduation ceremony, in spite of the COVID-19 restrictions.

Evan, Jacob, Wyatt, Kyle
Mrs. TS, Jenna, & Katelyn

Practicing their social distancing ;)

Evan gave the valedictorian speech...Way to go, Evan!
Due to technical difficulties, it was not recorded. But if you would like to, you can click on the link below to read his speech.

We celebrated with family after the ceremony, keeping the festivities outside and in our garage due to concerns about COVID-19.

Congratulations, Evan! 
We're proud of you, we love you, and we're so thankful to God for you!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Quarantine Status Quo

Here's a little more of what we've been up to for the last month or so...

Photo prop fun for Dad's birthday.☺

Even Hannah got in on the fun!

Kara planned the "1st Annual De Jong Family Music Festival", and convinced the whole family to participate. Here are Luke and Evan playing "Comic Duet for Two Cats."☺

Mary dressed up in her princess outfit for the occasion

Mary, Kara, & Ryan doing some exploring while walking Honey with Dad

Dad & Evan both read this book recently, so Hannah thought she'd check it out too.☺

She loves to swing, even when it's cold outside!

Mary peeking out of the playhouse window

Mom & Hannah

Mary & Ryan jumping on a bed made of sidewalk chalk

Hannah's first pony tail

She really gets around in her walker!

Playing around with augmented reality


Hannah & Luke enjoying some early morning snuggles

Big bunches of balloons... what fun!

Hannah going for a ride

Luke, Hannah, & Evan just hanging out on the trampoline

A beautiful afternoon for hiking at Newton Hills State Park

Enjoying the view from the lookout tower

Mary, Mom & Hannah enjoying the sunshine

Counting our many blessings and praying that all of our extended family and friends are doing well... We love you and miss you all so much!
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28