Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Blessed Christmas!

*Jenna (16) has been enjoying the freedom of having her driver’s license, especially for getting together with her friends and getting to & from work at our local grocery store. She had a great time at the annual PRYP Convention in Michigan this summer. We always enjoy her beautiful piano playing, and she’s planning to start teaching piano lessons in the next couple of weeks.

*Evan (14) is our second licensed driver, as he now has his learner’s permit. He’s passed Jenna up in height, and eagerly anticipates playing baseball for Trinity next summer. He diligently practices both trombone & piano, and his efforts paid off when he was awarded 1st chair trombone in the NW Iowa Honor Band. He also looks forward to playing in the All Iowa 8th Grade Honor band concert in Des Moines next spring.

*Luke (12) really enjoys playing the cello. He plays basketball, gave cross country a try for the first time this fall, and especially enjoyed pitching to his Dad during a father/son baseball game this summer. He likes to read so much that and his siblings often have a hard convincing him to put down his book to do anything else.

*Kara (10) eagerly looked forward to getting her ears pierced for her birthday, and has been learning new ways to style her hair. She likes baking tasty treats and crafting all kinds of things, including sewing a beautiful quilt in summer rec. She loves to play the piano, and has also started learning to play the alto saxophone.

*Ryan (7) had a great time in taekwondo at summer rec this year. At school he enjoys being in a classroom of all boys with Grandma as his teacher. He has started taking piano lessons, and really seems to enjoy practicing. He likes to read, and recently discovered his Dad’s collection of Calvin & Hobbes books.

*Mary (3) loves all things pink, sparkly, and having to do with princesses. But she especially loves her baby sister! She is Mom’s big helper while the older kids are at school, and frequently tries to convince Mom to pick up lunch at the “sandwich store” (Subway.)

*Hannah (5½ months) joined our family on June 21, and she is one well-loved baby! She has a pleasant personality, and is a good sleeper (as long as she’s in her own bed.) She brings a lot of joy to our home, and we’re so thankful for her!

We wish you a blessed holiday season! ~the De Jongs

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