Friday, November 9, 2018

Multi-Piano Duet Festival

This past Saturday was a musical day for our family... While Evan was busy rehearsing for his honor band concert in Storm Lake, Jenna, Luke, & Kara were playing in a Multi-Piano Duet Festival at Northwestern College in Orange City. It was a really neat experience, and something totally different from anything they've ever done before!

Here are a couple pictures of them practicing that morning.
Luke & Kara are at the left center piano in this photo...

Jenna and her piano teacher are at the second piano from the left in this photo...

Here are the videos of their performances... Enjoy! :)

Luke & Kara play A Bell Carol and Fire Dance -

Jenna & Mrs. Evertse play Rondeau and Plymouth Pride -


  1. What a neat experience! Fun songs to hear, too!

    1. It was a lot of fun, both for the performers and for those of us who got to listen to it! :)
