Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Branson, part 2

While Paul was at his conference, we had lots of fun swimming at the hotel.


1…2…3… Jump!

Ryan thought the sauna was his own little house. : )


We also played some mini golf…

The kids weren’t too sure about this erupting volcano,
especially when one of the holes took us right into it!


Ryan had a good time golfing : )


Since none of us had ever been to Arkansas, we drove there one afternoon…


and since there wasn’t anything to do in that particular area,
we turned around and came right back into Missouri. ; )



Luke’s favorite part of the trip was the Dixie Stampede.
No photos allowed during the show, but here you see the arena as we were leaving.

We were served an amazing meal while watching riders on horseback perform in front of us. We were each served the food pictured below, and the interesting thing was that
NO silverware is provided. You’re just supposed to enjoy good ol’ southern cooking with your fingers! (I think our kids might have preferred chicken nuggets, but it was a good experience for them anyway. ; ) And everything was delicious!


Evan’s favorite part of the trip was the go-karts.
Wild Woody is four stories tall, and feels like an oversized wooden roller coaster!


Hard to get a good picture as they went by, but there go Evan, Paul, & Luke.


This was one of Ryan’s favorite parts of the trip, too.
He still gets pretty excited when he talks about the “big blue go-karts.” : )


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Kara & Luke all set to go on the regular track


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Evan & I going for a spin


Jenna’s favorite part of trip was the Titanic Museum. It looked like the ship from the outside, and inside there were many Titanic artifacts and stories of its passengers.


Each of us was given a “boarding pass” of an actual person on the Titanic,
and we were able to follow their stories throughout the museum.
It was fascinating!


titanic 1
Here we are in front of the replica of the grand staircase.


titanic 3
The photographer there insisted that Paul & I pose this way…
Made me feel quite ridiculous, but it’s good for a laugh anyway. ; )


That’s all for this time.
One more Branson post coming soon…

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