Saturday, August 16, 2014

VE Family Time

We recently had the whole VE family together for the first time in quite a while.
When we’re all at my parents’ house, their yard looks like a used car lot.
There are people having a good time all over the place! : )

Grandma has the best dress-ups around!
These dresses from left-to-right are: one of Perry & Char’s bridesmaids,
one Grandma VDT sewed for Erin as a young girl,
one I can’t remember or identify (maybe one of my sisters remembers?)
and one of Paul & Erin’s bridesmaids. What fun! : )


Lots of cousins to play with!


This was part of a wedding ceremony that included Grandpa as the groom...
what a good sport! ; )


Grandpa, Marie, & Kara


All of the cousins, including little Calvin who was less than a week old here!
Back row: Kara, Levi, Luke, Willem, & Marie
Middle: Ryan, Evan, Jenna, Calvin, Leah, Sean, & Tyler
Front: Nathan, Kate, Moriah, Jesse, & Eli


The whole crew… what a blessing to be part of this family!
We love you all so much!

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