Friday, May 16, 2014

Animal Trivia Answer

The creature making those awful noises during the night was…

a red fox.

Evidently this is typical of female red foxes looking for a mate.
It’s known as the “vixen’s scream.”
The second part of this YouTube video (at around 30 seconds)
sounds exactly like what we heard.

We are pretty sure this fox has made her den under a pile of brush we are
planning to burn. Looks like we won’t be burning it anytime soon.
Paul talks about setting up a “trail cam” so we can watch for baby foxes. : )

We never dreamed we would experience wildlife like we have since we moved here!
We’ve seen deer, foxes, snakes, ducks, geese, a great-horned owl, a muskrat,
and more all within 100 yards of our house. Pretty exciting stuff for us city folk. ; )
It’s amazing to see the power and beauty of our God in the creation around us!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Animal Trivia

During the night we were awakened by loud, awful sounds behind our house.
The noise continued for several hours, and I recorded this through our bedroom window.
Any guesses what creature we have living in our backyard?

We figured out what it was… will post the answer for you tomorrow!

Monday, May 5, 2014

The last couple weeks

Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve been up to lately…

photo (2)
Cousin Tyler & Ryan, ready for their naps


Grades K-2 field trip to Oak Grove
(Luke is on the far left and Evan is just to the left of Mrs. VDT)


photo 1 (2)
Ryan really likes turtles, so he just had to have his picture taken by this one


Doing some exploring out at Arrowhead Park during the barn open house



photo 5 (1)
All dressed up for church


photo 1
Ryan, Luke & Kara enjoying the front porch swing


photo 3  photo 5
This boy likes to play ball. A lot!

photo 1 (3)

He doesn’t even want to take his hat off at naptime! : )



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Last Saturday was a beautiful day for Hull’s annual 5K

Thanks to my Dad (Perry) for the pictures! : )

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Edgerton Chapel Day

Our kids spent the day in Edgerton today, visiting the PR school there.
Here are a few videos from the chapel service. My apologies for the amateur videography, and the fact that I only got the last few lines of the older kids’ number.
Ryan was being exceptionally uncooperative at the time. : /

Grades K-2 from Doon


Grades 5-8 from Doon


Doon & Edgerton K-8