Thursday, March 27, 2014

Grandpa & Grandma Come to Visit

Paul’s parents came to visit recently and were able to attend our kids’ spring program. This year’s theme was the 10 commandments, and the teachers and students worked hard to prepare for it. The kids sang their hearts out, and it was beautiful!

Jenna and her classmates, grades 5-8


Evan and Luke


After the program, we headed to the Ramada to have some fun
with Grandpa & Grandma : )


Grandpa & Ryan getting ready to go down the big water slide


What fun!

Slide Train


Ready for breakfast : )
What a blessing to spend this time together!

1 comment:

  1. Too fun... Glad you shared these! They really enjoyed seeing you guys. Hope Paul has a great birthday this weekend! Love sent to you.
