Thursday, December 5, 2013

Colorado Thanksgiving

Last week we made a quick road trip to Colorado to visit Sarah & B.J and family.
While our stay was short, it was also very sweet. The kids had a wonderful time playing with their cousins, and we adults thoroughly enjoyed the fellowship as well.


Cousins who love to read!


Heading to the model train museum in Greeley. Beautiful!


The kids were very excited to find the items on the scavenger hunt.
(Actually, the adults really enjoyed it, too! : )


Time to make some tasty turkeys!


Leah & Jenna with their turkeys


Pretty sure Kara had her mouth full on this one ; )


The boys were very busy…


They had quite a flock by the time they were done!


I wish I had more pictures to share, but my camera was giving me a little trouble and we were having so much fun, there just wasn’t time to be taking pictures.

The kids will definitely remember the good times they spent playing together,
including jumping on the trampoline and camping in the tent downstairs : )

What a blessing to be able to spend Thanksgiving with those we love.
We have so much to be thankful for!

1 comment:

  1. Just read this fun post--hope you are well! Aren't those turkeys a hoot and a half to make? Beth and I did with our kiddos, too. Miss you guys! Hey, I don't think Beth has figured out how to get these links to this BlogSpot b/c of gmail's set-up. Maybe when you see each other? Love sent.
