Saturday, September 21, 2013

Birthday Boy

Today was Luke’s 6th birthday!
We celebrated last night with a pirate ship birthday cake
and grilled cheeseburgers, at his request.



He got them all with one BIG blow! : )



Pretty excited about the sock monkey & pirate ship building kit



Everyone in their PJ’s first thing this morning… what a crew!



Oh boy, more Legos! : )

Happy Birthday, Luke William!
We love you so much and can’t believe you are in kindergarten
(and are enjoying every minute of it!)
You keep us on our toes and melt our hearts with that mischievous grin.
We are blessed and thankful to be your Mom & Dad.

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing Mr. Luke's birthday here! His card's been sitting on the desk for a while, meaning to put new address on, but alas... Sorry we're behind, Luke! Seth's enjoying Kindergarten, too. We'll have to send some pictures sometime. Love sent.
