Friday, September 27, 2013

Combined Chapel

Our kids enjoyed having the kids from Edgerton’s school come to visit today.
Here are a few songs from the chapel service…


Kindergarten–2nd Grade
Lanae, Jenna, Kyle, Jacob, Evan, Matthew, Alyce
Collin, Levi, Katelyn, Luke, & Joanna


5th–8th Grades
Casey, Jordan, Steven, Jerron, Braden, Sam
Ellie, Crystal, Haley, Meghan, Darren Jenna, Andrew, Sarah, & Erica


Psalter 306 - all grades from both schools

Monday, September 23, 2013

Hot Air Balloons

On Saturday we awoke to a crisp, beautiful fall morning,
and spotted this hot air balloon just outside our back door.

It glided by in one direction, then dropped down and started drifting back the way it came.


Meanwhile, a second balloon appeared.


The two balloons proceeded to pass by each other, moving in opposite directions.
It was quite a remarkable sight!


The video below shows them in action…
along with Kara’s entertaining commentary.
You can even hear the flames of the nearest balloon. Enjoy! : )


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Birthday Boy

Today was Luke’s 6th birthday!
We celebrated last night with a pirate ship birthday cake
and grilled cheeseburgers, at his request.



He got them all with one BIG blow! : )



Pretty excited about the sock monkey & pirate ship building kit



Everyone in their PJ’s first thing this morning… what a crew!



Oh boy, more Legos! : )

Happy Birthday, Luke William!
We love you so much and can’t believe you are in kindergarten
(and are enjoying every minute of it!)
You keep us on our toes and melt our hearts with that mischievous grin.
We are blessed and thankful to be your Mom & Dad.

Monday, September 9, 2013

~ Home Sweet Home ~

Last Saturday we bid farewell to 5216 East 18th Street…


Moving day - ready to start loading the truck


Many thanks to those who came from near & far to help us move.
They worked hard, and it was HOT!


Paul’s Dad coaxed Molly into posing for this one : )


Doing some exploring in the front yard


Ryan riding his bike


It took almost a week for me to get the boxes of kitchen items unpacked and put away.
The very next day, Ryan and cousin Tyler quickly emptied the cabinets out again.
I couldn’t get either one to look at me for this picture… they were waaaay too busy! : )


Looking behind the house, from the deck.

We are so thankful to be moved and settling into our new home.
Hope you are able to come & visit us soon! : )