Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ice, ice, & more ice…


The calendar says it’s spring, but here in South Dakota, it definitely feels like winter.
As I type this post, we’ve been without electricity at our house for
nearly 24 hours, and the freezing rain is still coming down.
We are so thankful for our gas fireplace right now!

The devastating effects of the freezing rain and ice are everywhere…


View from our kitchen window.
A branch came down off the neighbor’s tree over our fence.
The icicles line every power line, fence, and horizontal surface in the area.


Looking from the garage at our the trees in our front yard.


Our neighbors to the south.
Notice the birch tree behind the evergreen is bent completely over.


Neighbors to the west, branches across the driveway.


Young trees in the median on 26th St. on the way to our new house.


Driving up to our new house. Couldn’t get very close because there were branches across the driveway.


Tree in the front yard.

Another one in front of the house.


View of the back yard.


Some branches down by our church.


No school for the kids today, Paul’s clinic is closed since there is no electricity. We are enjoying spending time together as a family, and are thankful to be warm and safe.
We have never seen ice like this before, that’s for sure!

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