Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Luke & Mary's Graduation

 Last night we celebrated with Luke and Mary as they graduated from 8th grade and Kindergarten! We love them both so much and give thanks to God for bringing them to this point in their lives!

8th Grade Class of 2022
Levi, Lanae, Luke & Collin

Mary Camille💜

Luke William

Kindergarten Class of 2022
Mary & Charlie
with Mrs.VE/Grandma😉 and Miss Vink

Grandpa VE graduated from 8th grade at this same school 50 years ago! Pretty special to have 2 grandsons graduate this year with the same graduation text, Proverbs 3:5,6.

Grandpa "Top" with granddaughter Lanae and great-grandsons Levi and Luke. So thankful for God's covenant faithfulness!

Our family

Kindergarten Graduates

Congratulations, Luke!

If you would like to watch the entire graduation ceremony, you can do so at this link:

Here are a few video clips from the ceremony...


Saturday, May 21, 2022

Luke at State Honors Orchestra

 Last weekend Luke played his cello in the Iowa Middle School State Honors Orchestra that performed at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls. It was well worth the trip for him to be able to participate with such a talented group of musicians! Here are a a few videos from the concert. Enjoy! :)

Luke is sitting on the right side in the second row from the back.

Orpheus in the Underworld

Blue Rhythmico
