Sunday, December 25, 2022

DJ Cousins Instrumental Concert 2022

Angels We Have Heard on High - vs 1 

Angels We Have Heard on High - vs 2


Hark the Herald

It Came Upon a Midnight Clear

Silent Night

We Wish You a Blessed Christmas

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Winter/Christmas Concerts

 In the past few days, Dordt had its Christmas choir concert and Trinity had its Winter Program. Both of these events were livestreamed, but just in case you missed them, here are the links and a few of our favorite songs. Enjoy! :)

Jenna is the Chorale pianist and played a duo accompaniment for this beautiful rendition of "Hark the Herald Angels Sing."

The highlight of the evening for our younger children was the song "Fruitcake." :)

If you would like to watch the entire performance, you can do so at this link:


Trinity's program included the band, both choirs, and the combined choir.

Evan plays trombone in band and they did a great job with the classic, "Sleigh Ride." 

Luke in Freshman/Sophomore Choir singing "Lord, Our Lord, Thy Glorious Name."

Evan in Junior/Senior Choir singing "Anthem of Gladness"

And last but not least, the Combined Choir singing the beautiful acapella "Joyous Carol of the Bells"

If you'd like to watch the entire program, you can do so at this link:

We are thankful for these opportunities to praise the Lord with music. To God be the glory!

Monday, November 7, 2022

Kara Honor Band

 This past Saturday Kara spent much of the day rehearsing, and then performed in the Northwest Iowa Middle School Honor Band concert at Dordt University. Here are a few videos from the concert. Kara is sitting on the right side of the stage in a light green dress. Enjoy!

Ashton Overture by James Swearingen

Lost Woods Fantasy by JaRod Hall

Midnight Escape by Larry Neeck

America Exultant by Henry Fillmore/Glover

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Dordt University's Fall Festival of Music

 Last night was Dordt University's Fall Festival of Music, during which all of the bands and choirs performed. It was a beautiful evening of praise!

The whole concert is a little long, but if you are interested in watching Jenna's part, she is the Chorale pianist and sings or plays in the first 4 choir songs. The choral portion begins an hour and 46 minutes in. This link will take you to that part of the program: 

Jenna wears a white robe and is in the front left corner. Enjoy! :)

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Combined Chapel

Kara, Ryan & Mary had combined chapel at Sioux Falls a couple of weeks ago, and I just realized that I forgot to share those videos. So here they are... better late than never, right?! :)

Doon Grades 1&2
Charlie, Micah, Josiah, Calvin, Jesse, & Mary

Doon Grades 3-8
Alex, Tyler, Michael, Ryan, Moriah, Emily, Jacie, Reuben, Kate 
(Kara on piano)

And last but not least - all 3 grade schools singing Psalter 306 together… It was beautiful to see and hear them praising God together!
Doon, Sioux Falls, & Edgerton PR Schools

Monday, October 17, 2022

Kara Honor Band and Interscholastic Piano

Last week was a busy week of music for Kara. She auditioned for our area's honor band, and played piano for interscholastic preview night. She's been hard at work practicing for both of these events, and is excited to have been selected for both our area's honor band, as well as the All Iowa 8th grade honor band which will perform in Des Moines in May.

It's tradition for our honor band students to take a photo by the giant anchor in Storm Lake during their lunch break.😊

We also take a photo of the students all dressed up for their auditions. It was an exciting day, as all 8 of these students were selected to be in our district's honor band!

Bryce U, Trevor M, Kierra H, Kara DJ
Ali, VDB, Keely G, Skyler VB, Addyson DJ

This year we even got a picture of the Moms/support crew for the day! 😄

Sue, Jill, Kandace, Erin
Kerri, Larissa, Michelle & Kim

Earlier in the week, Kara played this piece for Interscholastic Preview Night. She graciously agreed to play it again so I could record it at home. Enjoy!
"Scotch Poem" by Edward MacDowell

We are thankful for the gift of music! To God be the glory for the talents and gifts He has given.

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above" James 1:17a

“Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!”   Psalm 95:2

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Back to School

 Today was the first day of school for most of our crew!

Kara, Ryan and Mary all ready to go.😊

Evan - 11th and Luke - 9th

Hannah wasn't awake when the rest of the kids left this morning, but when she saw their pictures she wanted to take one too.😉

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Smiles of Summer

 Here are some of the memories that have been making us smile this summer!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Hannah!

She loves flamingos, so that's what she wanted on her brithday cake.
(Thanks to Aunt Laura for making it for her! :)

Fun on a flamingo!

Mary giving a big thumbs up to summer days spent in the pool!

Hannah got a camper/tent for her birthday and has been having lots of fun camping with her siblings and dolls!

Mary built a magnatiles tower that was taller than her!

Making memories at a local strawberry farm...

Mary's grown a bit since last year!

Our strawberry picking crew

Hannah loves strawberries!


Playing on the tire pile with Dad

Jumping on the giant strawberry

Trying out the giant slide

Visiting Wells Blue Bunny for some ice cream

It was a great day for ice cream... we had to eat it fast!

Kara planned a tea party for the ladies

Enjoying Falls Park on a beautiful summer evening

Monday, June 20, 2022

Luke's 15 Seconds of Fame

Luke is having a ball this summer, playing junior high, JV, and Varsity baseball for Trinity. 

This clip shows part of last Monday night's game... Luke insists that this play is not worthy of the Top 5 Plays of the Week, but it's kinda fun to watch anyway!😊

If you want to watch all 5 plays you can do so at this link...

Monday, June 6, 2022

Summer Days & Double Plays

Summer is in full swing around here these days!
(pun intended)😉⚾ 

Mary's first time playing T-ball

Ryan playing Little League in Doon

Kara playing junior high softball for Trinity

Luke plays both junior high and high school baseball for Trinity



Evan playing for Trinity

  Their faithful fans, staying busy and cool out at the ballpark 😀

Throwback to the last time Luke & Evan played on the same team, 10 years ago... They've grown up a bit since then! 😊

Go Tigers!😊