Saturday, October 17, 2020

Family Pics 2020

Hannah Lea ~ 14 months

Mary Camille ~ 4 years

Ryan Perry ~ 8 years

Kara Brielle ~ 11 years

Luke William ~ 13 years

Evan James ~ 15 years

Jenna Grace ~ 17 years

~ The kids ~

~ Mom & Dad ~

~ The whole family ~

~ Photo credit Kelsey Klarenbeek ~

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Jenna's Senior Pictures

 It's hard to believe, but we have a senior in high school!
Jenna's enjoying her senior year and all the perks that go along with it.

Here are a few of her favorite senior pictures...

.Photo credit goes to Aunt Valen...
We're thankful she was willing to take these while she was here this summer.
It was so fun, and she took beautiful pictures as always!

Monday, October 5, 2020

Combined Chapel Videos

 Here are a few videos from our school's annual fall Combined Chapel with Edgerton. Enjoy!

Ryan with grades 3 -5

Kara & Luke with grades 6-8

Both schools, grades K-8