Friday, April 24, 2020

Quarantine Status Quo

Here's a little more of what we've been up to for the last month or so...

Photo prop fun for Dad's birthday.☺

Even Hannah got in on the fun!

Kara planned the "1st Annual De Jong Family Music Festival", and convinced the whole family to participate. Here are Luke and Evan playing "Comic Duet for Two Cats."☺

Mary dressed up in her princess outfit for the occasion

Mary, Kara, & Ryan doing some exploring while walking Honey with Dad

Dad & Evan both read this book recently, so Hannah thought she'd check it out too.☺

She loves to swing, even when it's cold outside!

Mary peeking out of the playhouse window

Mom & Hannah

Mary & Ryan jumping on a bed made of sidewalk chalk

Hannah's first pony tail

She really gets around in her walker!

Playing around with augmented reality


Hannah & Luke enjoying some early morning snuggles

Big bunches of balloons... what fun!

Hannah going for a ride

Luke, Hannah, & Evan just hanging out on the trampoline

A beautiful afternoon for hiking at Newton Hills State Park

Enjoying the view from the lookout tower

Mary, Mom & Hannah enjoying the sunshine

Counting our many blessings and praying that all of our extended family and friends are doing well... We love you and miss you all so much!
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Spring Break Shenanigans

This week was our kids' spring break, and although our original plans were cancelled due to the corona virus regulations, we decided at the last minute to spend a couple of days quarantining in a cabin in the woods near Yankton. The weather was beautiful, and we packed as much hiking, biking, fishing, geocaching, and hot-tubbing in as we possibly could! :)

Hannah's first time at the beach! Although this picture doesn't show it, she seemed to really enjoy it (until she managed to sneak a handful of sand into her mouth!)

Luke, Kara, & Mary fishing and hunting for shells along the shore

Ryan was a good sport and allowed his siblings to bury him in the sand.

Happy to be outside in the sunshine! :)

We had a great time exploring the "doubledecker" Meridian Bridge, which was built in 1924 and is the longest pedestrian bridge connecting two states, Nebraska and South Dakota. (It has been closed to vehicle traffic since 2008, as a new 2-lane bridge now spans the river.)

We walked across on the top level...

and then headed back on the bottom level.

We had some delicious grilled burgers for supper on the deck of the cabin that evening... the weather was perfect and there were no bugs or wind, which we really appreciated as that doesn't happen all that often in South Dakota! ;) We saw wild turkeys and deer in the trees just outside the cabin several times during our stay. :)

Playing board games!

The cabin we stayed in was truly one-of-a-kind, both in design and decor. Here's Hannah busy playing under the antler chandelier and various mounted animals. :)

Hot tub time!

Hannah loved having all new toys to play with, and a new place to explore via army crawling, which she has recently gotten very good at. :)

We saw some beautiful views of the lake while hiking the Gavins Point Nature Trail.

On the deck of the cabin

Back in the hot tub one last time!

Relaxing by the fire and having some s'mores & camper pies.

One last stop on the way home...
1021 West Clark Street in Vermillion, where we lived the first year we were married. We have fond memories of evenings spent studying together in our cozy one-bedroom apartment. The building hasn't changed much, and we'll pretend we haven't either. ;) Never would have dreamed we'd be back 19 years later with a van-load full of kids on the way home from a spring break quarantining adventure! God is good. So thankful for memories made and His abundant blessings!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Happy Birthday Mary!

Happy 4th Birthday, Mary!
Since we couldn't have a party due to the corona virus restrictions, we had a birthday parade instead! Thanks to our family & friends who helped make her day special. She said it was her "best day ever!"

Getting Jenna's car ready for the parade

The birthday girl all ready for the parade to start

Here are a couple videos from the parade...

*Click here to see more pictures from the parade.*

SO excited to get a "hoop-dee-hoop" for her birthday

Sleeping Beauty birthday cake
made by Laura Kuiper

A new "Ladybug Girl" outfit & a book to go with it!

Princess Mary had a very Happy Birthday!💜