Friday, January 31, 2020

Luke's Honors Orchestra Concert

Luke played cello in the Northwest Iowa Honor Orchestra last night at Northwestern College in Orange City. It was a beautiful concert!

You can pick him out easily, as he's in the back row toward the right-hand side in a white shirt and black bow tie. (He was actually supposed to be sitting in the second row from the front toward the middle, but the high school orchestra played first, and there weren't enough chairs set up in the cello section for Luke's group! So Luke & his stand partner had to scramble for chairs & a stand til the last second! ;) 

Colors of Home -

Danza de mi Corazon -

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Dakota "Molly" Mae

Tonight we said goodbye to our sweet golden retriever, Molly, who died unexpectedly in her sleep. We're thankful for nearly 10 years of memories we've made with her. She's grown up with our kids, and has always been so patient with them. She was smart, obedient, kind and loyal. We're going to miss her!

Evan & Jenna with Molly soon after we got her in the summer of 2010

Learning how to go for a walk... the first of many walks she took with Paul over the years

Evan & Molly

Luke & Evan & Molly

Molly & Kara

Luke & Molly

Paul & Molly

She was a beautiful dog!

She made it on our Christmas card that year, although we couldn't get her to sit still enough to take the picture with us. :)

Molly with her new friend, Honey

Ryan & Molly

 Silly puppy dog

She always sat on the bench just like she was one of us.

Molly & Kara

Molly & Mary