Monday, January 29, 2018

Chapel Videos

This past Friday was our annual winter chapel at NWIPRS.

Here are a few videos of the kids' special numbers.
Ryan had his first individual speech ever, and he did great!

Grades K-2
(first part  is missing due to technical difficulties... sorry about that!)

Grades 3 & 4

Grades 5 & 6

Friday, January 26, 2018

Spirit Week 2017

Last week was Spirit Week at Trinity.
There was a different dress-up theme for each day of the week…

Board Game Day…
Jenna got a Culver’s gift card for winning 3rd place with this outfit. Woohoo!

She also got duct-taped to the wall as part of that day’s festivities!
(Thanks to Miss H for this picture!)
Surprised smile 

Farmer Day… not too difficult!
Winking smile

Decade Day
Freshman were supposed to dress like the future/2030’s…
This one required a bit more imagination.
Winking smile

School Spirit Day… go Tigers!
(Jenna was getting a little tired of our daily photoshoot at this point…
but she was a good sport about it anyway.)
Winking smile

High School Stereotypes/Trends Day… the freshman girls!
(Jenna dressed as a runner.)

Heather, Sierra, Jenna & Leah having way too much fun!
Farewell Spirit Week… until next year…

Friday, January 5, 2018

Christmas Memories

Christmas has come and gone, and the kids are back in school…
Time to catch up on some photos!
Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve been up to the past few weeks.

Making Christmas cookies… a favorite family tradition!

Beautiful amaryllis plant that bloomed just in time for Christmas

Mary looking festive :)

The students at Trinity decorated their lockers,
and Jenna’s turned out awfully cute!

Ryan’s Christmas present for Dad & Mom…
A hand-painted kitchen towel, owl ornament, and a card that says
“Guess Whooo loves you?!”

Dad & Mary just sitting around having some lemonade

We celebrated Grandpa Top’s 84th birthday at Grille 26


Decorating gingerbread houses at Grandma’s house… another favorite tradition!

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It was Mary’s first time, so she had a little help from Jenna.

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Mary was pretty excited about the new vacuum she got for Christmas!


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Grandpa & Grandma DJ brought Seth & Caleb out for a visit… what fun!
Here are the boys at a bowling alley…

the pool…

and playing Catan. This game kept them busy for hours!

Supper at the Doon Steakhouse

Jenna & Mary got matching TCHS shirts for Christmas. So cute! :)