Saturday, September 23, 2017

Happy Birthday Luke!

Look who just hit double digits...
Happy 10th Birthday, Luke!

He got some great new catcher's gear for his birthday!

 He had some friends over and had a great time with them! We thought we might have lost them in a corn maze, but they came out eventually. ;) Didn't get any pictures there, but here are a couple of them playing Wii and driving remote control cars. :)

Collin, Levi, Luke & James


 And last but not least is Mary who said this over & over on Luke's birthday. : )

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Family Photos

‘Tis the season for our family’s annual photo shoot…

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Paul & Erin ~ 16 years

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Jenna ~ 14 years

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Evan ~ almost 12 years

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Luke ~ almost 10 years

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Kara ~ 8 years

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Ryan ~ 5 years

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Mary ~ 16 months


We made a valiant attempt at getting a photo of just the kids,
but it was not to be this year…  Miss Mary was NOT in the mood. ; )

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Family Photo ~ August 2017

Thanks to Everlasting Memories by Kayla for these great photos!