Thursday, March 31, 2016

Jumping Fun

We recently visited Sky Zone, an indoor trampoline park,
and had a great time bouncing around. Not only is it a lot of fun,
it’s also one of the best workouts around (for kids AND adults!)

Ryan getting ready to jump

There goes Kara!

Luke getting some air time

Ryan flying high

Evan up in the air

Jenna takes a flying leap into the foam pit

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Back on the Blogging Bandwagon

It’s been pretty quiet over here on the blog front lately.
Am hoping to get back in the blogging swing of things in the next couple of weeks…


We are getting very excited to meet the newest member of our family!
Ryan has joined Evan & Luke in the “boys’ room”, and the crib is up.
Here’s a peek at Baby De Jong at 33 weeks…

Being a little camera shy


Sticking out his/her tongue,


And making a sad face :(


And here’s a one at 37 weeks…
Judging by the size of those cheeks,
it won’t be long til we get to meet this little one, Lord willing! :)


Any guesses, boy or girl?? : )

Saturday, March 12, 2016

All School Program

Last night was our annual All-School Program, entitled "Lessons from the Parables." Many thanks to the students and teachers for all their hard work done in preparation. It was beautiful! To God be the glory!