Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Happy Holidays!

We thought you all might like to see some of the light-hearted holiday fun we've been having around here lately... Enjoy! :)
(If you are viewing this in your email, you'll need to click on the links to watch the videos.)

Sled Race

Feliz Navidad


Ryan runs around the house in his "elf clothes"...

and he's been practicing his "grinch smile" :)


And last but not least, Jenna designed this beautiful "Mary" Christmas card! 🎄

Saturday, December 3, 2016

NISYO Concert

Jenna has been playing violin in the Northwest Iowa Symphony Youth Orchestra for the past few months, and her first concert was today at Dordt College. It was beautiful!
Here are a few video clips...

In this first one you will catch a glimpse of Mary bouncing to the music,
as well as Paul and the other kids sitting down below in the audience. 😊

This piece was written by a composer from Singapore, and you can hear some of the sounds of the city in the music.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Chapel Videos

Here are a few videos from our school's recent chapel.
Enjoy them & have a blessed Thanksgiving tomorrow! : )

Friday, November 18, 2016

First Snow & First Snow Day

We had our first snow and first snow day of the season today.
What a change from a few days ago, when it was warm & sunny!

The view from our front window


It was the perfect packing snow, and the kids appropriately named their snowman “Blizzard” : )


After an unsuccessful search for a carrot big enough for Blizzard’s nose,
Mary got ahold of the bag of carrots…  ; )


It was the perfect day for snowflakes, hot chocolate, and board games with friends.
We are thankful for safety today and a warm home to sleep in tonight!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Life Lately

Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve been up to lately…


Ryan & Mary hanging out after the big kids have left for school


Mary’s sitting up!


Pumpkin painters


First time eating solid food


Yum yum! : )


Happy girl just chilling in her stroller


Ryan’s block tower at the Washington Pavilion


Fun times during fall break with the Dykstra cousins!


Ryan camping in the living room


Look Mom, no hands!


Ryan rode a big combine with his friend Junior


Shopping with Mom


Trying out the little door at Pizza Hut


Mary’s first selfie


Mary’s first flight…
to a medical conference in Las Vegas with Mom & Dad


Building a castle with the VanEgdom cousins
Levi, Moriah, Kara, Tyler, Jesse, Kate & Luke
(Thanks for the picture, Aunt Michelle!)


Waiting for the kids to get out of school


Both reading “The Mitten”


Mom’s baking helper ; )



So happy that it’s nice enough to go for a walk in November!



Ryan demonstrates a “hands in the back butt-bomb” :P


IMG_3270   IMG_3271
Ryan takes some selfies : )

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Evan is Eleven

Last Thursday was Evan’s 11th birthday!


This past Sunday was also Grandpa Van Egdom’s birthday! : )




Evan was very excited about some new Schleich animals, a baseball bat, and a watch…


Can you guess what his favorite color is??!
(Nice photobomb, Luke!)


Happy, Happy 11th Birthday, Evan James!
We love you lots and are blessed to be your parents! : )

Monday, October 10, 2016

Fall Family Photos

It’s that time of year again…
time to update our family photos!

Jenny M. Photography (88 of 153)


Jenny M. Photography (14 of 153)
Jenna ~ 13 years


Jenny M. Photography (37 of 153)
Evan ~ (almost) 11 years


Jenny M. Photography (21 of 153)
Luke ~ 9 years


Jenny M. Photography (6 of 153)
Kara ~ 7 years


Jenny M. Photography (28 of 153)
Ryan ~ 4 years


Jenny M. Photography (122 of 153) copy
Mary ~ 5 months


Jenny M. Photography (45 of 153)
Paul & Erin ~ 15 years


Jenny M. Photography (86 of 153)
Just the kids


Jenny M. Photography (50 of 153)
The whole family : )


All photos by Jenny M Photography

Friday, September 30, 2016

Combined Chapel Videos

Today was our school's annual combined chapel with the students from Edgerton.
Thanks to the teachers and students for their work on these special numbers!

3rd & 4th Grade - https://youtu.be/fMCAnn-h-5M

5th  & 8th Grades - https://youtu.be/69cNPNNJXzk

Both Schools K-8 - https://youtu.be/yMqohxgyNZw 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Luke Who’s 9

Look who’s 9 years old…
Luke William!

We celebrated with a Target Field (Minnesota Twins) birthday cake
(which may have been having some structural difficulty at the time of this picture. ; )

Since Luke couldn’t decide what to have for supper on his birthday,
we’ve been having his favorites all week!
Stuffed shells, barbecue meatballs, spaghetti & meatballs, and best ever potato soup. Yum! : )


Happy Birthday, Luke!
We love you very much!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Back to School 2016

Here’s our back-to-school crew, all ready to roll this morning. :)

Jenna, Evan, Luke, and Kara


And Mary & Ryan, too. :)



And a special treat…
going out for lunch on the first day of school with some of our cousins!

Jenna, Kate. Kara, Moriah (and Luke ;)


Levi, Luke, Ryan & Tyler


Jesse, Michelle, Mary & Evan
(Sweet baby Joelle was there too, but I didn’t get a picture of her!)


Green Acres was the place to be!