Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Blessed Christmas!

Christmas Card

Happy Holidays! One of the blessings of this time of year is the opportunity it gives us to connect with you, our friends and family. We’ve had a happy, busy year here in the De Jong household…

Ryan turned 3 in May and can usually be found within 3 feet of his mother, “helping” with whatever she is doing. In March he had surgery for what looked like a growth inside his nose, but actually turned out to be a red pellet from one of his big brothers’ airsoft guns! Thankfully he recovered quickly. During the course of 2015, he also stuffed the outside furnace vent full of rocks (requiring a visit from the furnace repairman,) rolled down a hill into a pond, and opened all the drawers in Dad & Mom’s dresser, causing it to topple over on top of him. He definitely keeps us on our toes!

Kara graduated from Kindergarten in May, and was excited to join the older kids in catechism this fall. She turned 6 in July, and has made dozens of rubber band bracelets since then. She loves first grade, coloring pictures, and writing letters to her cousins, and can light up a room with her smile.

Luke celebrated his 8th birthday in September. He is in 2nd grade, and started piano lessons this fall. He can often be found playing Legos or reading. He enjoys sports, and was thrilled when his softball team took first place in their division this summer.

Evan hit double digits in October. He loves to read and plays the piano quite well. He likes sports of all kinds, and was thrilled to be able to play on our school’s soccer team this fall. He is also working on mastering the game of chess so that he can beat his Dad. Just before school started, he took a rough tumble off his bike, and was the first of our kids to require Dad to use his sewing skills.

Jenna turned 12 in August, and we celebrated with a cake she baked and decorated herself! She’s currently in 7th grade and enjoying the perks of being in the “Upper Room”, including a trip to the Iowa state capitol this spring and the annual Pahoja campout this fall. She enjoys running, and plays the violin and piano beautifully.

Our family travelled to Disney World for the first time in May, and made many magical memories along the way. The highlights included Splash Mountain, It’s a Small World, the evening parade/fireworks, Expedition Everest roller coaster, Sea World, lunch with Pooh & friends at the Crystal Palace, and many hours spent swimming in the little pool behind our townhouse.

This summer we were blessed to spend quality time with both sides of the family… with the Van Egdoms at Lake Pahoja fishing, snail-catching, kayaking, paddleboating, and roasting smores; and with the De Jongs at Webster Lake swimming, boating, tubing, riding the Dixie, and eating ice cream.

During teacher’s convention in October we met some of the De Jong cousins in the Black Hills. We visited Rushmore and Crazy Horse, saw lots of wildlife, went spelunking, horseback riding, and hiking, and had a great time. The weather was gorgeous and the fall colors were beautiful!

During a road trip to Illinois this summer, we started watching for license plates from the 50 states. We saw 46 of the 50 on that trip, all except Alaska, Hawaii, Delaware and Rhode Island. This fall we spotted an Alaska plate just a few blocks from home. While in the Black Hills, we were excited to see a car with Hawaii plates parked right next to us! We’re still on the lookout for Rhode Island and Delaware, and hope to see them on our way to Illinois for Christmas.

Our family enjoys geocaching, and back in June of 2011 we placed a trackable travel bug in a cache here in Sioux Falls. This photo of a golden retriever (just like our golden, Molly) has since travelled over 29,000 miles all over the world including the states of Tennessee, Alabama, Idaho, Colorado, Connecticut, Michigan, & New York; the Canadian provinces Quebec & Ontario; Grenada, St. Lucia, US Virgin Islands, Germany, the Netherlands, Crete (Greece), Czech Republic, Cyprus, Germany, Luxembourg, and Scotland. It is currently in the country of Latvia. We are excited to see where it goes next!

A big change coming up next year for our family will be a new job for Paul.  After 10 years in Sioux Falls and 7 years with Sanford, he has signed a contract with Avera Hegg Memorial Health Center in Rock Valley, Iowa.  Over the next 6 months, he will be wrapping up his practice in Sioux Falls, and then starts in Rock Valley in July 2016.

And last but not least, we are excitedly anticipating the arrival of the newest member of our family. Baby De Jong is due to arrive in April of 2016, Lord willing. : )

That pretty much sums up 2015 for our family… We are thankful for God’s abundant blessings, and pray that each of you may also be blessed during the holiday season and in the coming year!

With Love,

Paul & Erin De Jong
Jenna, Evan, Luke, Kara & Ryan

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Christmas Program 2015

Our church's Christmas Program was last Sunday, and it was a beautiful celebration of the birth of our Savior. Here are a few videos from the evening...  Enjoy! :)

Monday, December 7, 2015


Evan & Luke had a pilgrim party at school on the day before Thanksgiving. : )


We left from school at noon that day and headed for Loveland to visit our Colorado cousins! They had their first snow of the season the night that we arrived, and it snowed the entire time we there. Sadly, this meant we never got a glimpse of the mountains. Guess we’ll have to go back again sometime. ; )

Marie & Kara tasting the snow : )


Evan, Willem, & Luke on the trampoline


Evan, Willem, & Luke in the hot tub


Sean, Sarah, Eli, Jenna, & Leah having fun at the pool. Jenna was Eli’s favorite… he couldn’t even take his eyes off of her long enough to take a picture. ; )


Nathan, Kara, Ryan & Paul just floating around


Marie, Evan, Leah, Nathan, Jenna, Kara, Willem, & Luke making a SPLASH! : )


Although our trip was short, it was definitely sweet, and I didn’t take nearly enough pictures. Keep an eye on my sister Sarah’s blog, as she also has a few to share.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Snow Day

School was cancelled here today, called off before a single flake fell…
But it was a good thing, as it’s been snowing steadily since about 10 AM.

It was a piano-playing, tree-decorating, snow-sledding,
hot chocolate-drinking, Rudolph-watching kind of day…

DSC07209  DSC07210

Ready, set, go!





Late start tomorrow... looking forward to sleeping in! ; )
Good Night!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Chapel Videos

Here are a few videos from today's chapel service...
As always the kids sounded beautiful, and it was wonderful to listen to them singing and playing praises to the Lord!

Friday, November 6, 2015

A Few Fall Photos

Jenna recently took a few fall photos in front of our house…






The colors here have been absolutely beautiful!



She even talked Kara & Ryan into posing for a few pictures. : )







Happy Fall, ya’ll! : )

Thursday, October 29, 2015

States & Plates

Back in July while on a road trip to Illinois, our family started watching for license plates from the fifty states, using the “States & Plates” smartphone app.

During that trip, we spotted 46 of the 50 states (including a pit stop at Iowa 80, the “World’s Largest Truckstop” to see which states we could find there. ;)

A few weeks ago, Paul spotted an Alaska plate right here in Sioux Falls.
On our recent trip to the Black Hills,
we were still on the lookout for Delaware, Rhode Island, and Hawaii.

When we left the hotel early one morning,
we could hardly believe what was parked right next to our van…


The owner was leaving at the same time we were, and told us they had the car shipped via boat from Hawaii to San Diego, and were driving it across the country to their new home. Wow!

(P.S. If you should happen to see a Rhode Island or Delaware license plate anywhere in our area, please be sure to let us know! ;)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Black Hills & Badlands, part 2

We saw many different animals on the Custer State Park Wildlife Loop, including…

pronghorn antelope,


prairie dogs,

and of course, the wild burros!







Bye bye, burros! :)



It’s tough to get pictures inside the cave because of the lighting (or lack thereof),
but here are a few of our spelunkers. :)

Luke by “The Column”


We also saw some wildlife at Bear Country USA…

Arctic Wolf

Bighorn Sheep

Red fox

Baby bears eating a pumpkin


And last, but not least, we took a guided horseback ride…

Seth, Luke, Kara, & Jenna all saddled up and ready to go!

Evan too


Paul & Ryan


Here we go! :)


The whole crew!
Nate & Levi on Pedro the mule, Brenda on Blondie, Andy the trail guide on Sasha, Bri on Annie, Paul & Ryan on Kyla, Seth on BooBoo…

Emma on Baby, Erin on Molly the mule, Kaitlyn on Lily, Kara on Indie, Evan on Jamie, Jenna on Colby, and Luke on Trigger


One last group photo in Keystone…

We had a wonderful time in the Black Hills and made so many fun memories
while exploring and enjoying God’s creation!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Black Hills & Badlands

Our kids had a few days off last week, and we met Nate & Brenda and Richard & Joanna in the Black Hills. Both the weather and the fall colors were absolutely beautiful!

We did some hiking in the Badlands and made to the “End of the Trail”


Jenna & Evan doing some climbing.
God’s handiwork is so evident in the striking beauty of the Badlands!


Family photo


Ryan & Levi in the visitor’s center


Our next stop was Mt. Rushmore National Memorial

Beautiful blue sky!


Taking a break after the Presidential Trail


Our family


The whole crew


A couple of mountain goats on our way out of Mt. Rushmore


View of Mt. Rushmore through one of the tunnels on Iron Mountain Road


On to Crazy Horse Memorial,
where we enjoyed authentic Native American Tacos at Laughing Water Restaurant


Breakfast at our hotel in the quaint little town of Keystone



More to come soon from Rushmore Cave, Bear Country USA, Custer State Park,
and a horseback ride through the hills…