Saturday, April 5, 2014

Kindergarten Round-up

Yesterday was Kindergarten Round-up day here.
Kara has been counting down the days, and was so excited to go to school! : )

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade singing “Oh be careful little tongue what you say…”


Kara & Kate listening to Mrs. VDT read the “Very Hungry Caterpillar”


They made all kinds of cute crafts, including caterpillar headbands


Luke was pretty excited, too!


Time for snacks… yum! : )


Soon-to-be Kindergarteners - Alex, Kate, & Kara
with this year’s Kindergarten class – Lanae, Luke, Collin, & Levi


It was pretty special having 2 kids there!


Can’t believe how fast she’s growing up…
Love you, Kara Brielle! : )

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Little Random

Just catching up on pictures from the last few weeks…
never a dull moment over here!

Fun in a box


This boy is good entertainment, let me tell you! : )
Here he is in his church clothes with a baseball hat
and a pirate sword, just having a good time!


Ninja Luke


Wearing a patch is the new cool thing to do around here.
(Well, it was anyway until Mom decided they were
too expensive to be handing out like candy. ; )

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De Jong family Jeopardy hosted by Paul for our Classis visitors
(Rev. R.Kleyn, Rev. C.Spronk, Uncle Marvin, D.Terpstra & S.Van Drunen)


Dressing up at the Visual Arts Center

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Making Papa Murphy’s “Mini Murph” pizzas


Building the arch at the Washington Pavilion
This was quite a feat… Ryan knocked it over 3 times before we finally got it done!


Guarding a virtual soccer goal at the Pavilion


Digging for dinosaur bones at the Pavilion


Jumping fun at SkyZone

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Ryan helping with the dishes…
We cut a few holes in a garbage bag to try to keep his clothes dry.
It didn’t work at all – he was completely soaked! : )


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Reading the paper just like Daddy


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Say cheese!
Actually, what Ryan says is, “Send one to Daddy!” : )


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All ready for her pre-kindergarten check-up…
she got 4 shots and was very brave! Now she’s
all ready for Kindergarten Round-up on Friday : )


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“Can I help with the dishes again, Mom?” : )