Thursday, May 30, 2013

Birthday Boy

The past year has just flown by…
can’t believe how quickly he’s growing up!

Such a smiley little guy!


When we tried to get a picture of him with his cake,
he tried as hard has he could to get his hands in it.
We finally gave up and I held onto him instead. : )


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He was happy to get his hands on his cupcake!


Birthday smiles…

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Happy 1st Birthday, Ryan Perry!
We love you so much!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

House progress (part 3)

It seems like every time I post a few pictures, the house looks different again.
(That’s a good thing!)

Here you can see the front porch starting to take shape…


…and the walls of the addition going up

Future laundry room & kids bedrooms


There are lilacs of every shade in the backyard.
Kara & Jenna picked a bunch of them today, and they smell wonderful!

We hope you have a blessed Sunday, and a happy Memorial Day!
We can hardly believe Ryan will be 1 year old tomorrow.
Birthday pictures coming soon!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

House progress, part 2

The kids are SO excited to be able to ride their bikes & scooters in this unfinished
area of the basement. Dad & Mom are pretty excited, too, especially because
we know how long winter can be in South Dakota! : )


Front of the house.


Luke checking things out inside. Future living room.


Front of the house starting to take shape.


Paul checks it out


Looking good! Stay tuned for more updates. Smile

Saturday, May 11, 2013

House progress

I promised to keep you posted on the progress, and there has definitely been a lot happening over at the new house since they dug the hole a week and a half ago…


Hole dug for dining room/front porch addition


Foundation finished


Evan looking through the future walls of the mudroom/entry from the garage


The kids peeking through a hole in the floor of the sunken living room

The only thing we were planning to do in the kitchen was put in new vinyl flooring,
but they found out the floor was weak, and ended up redoing the whole thing.
The only way into the house was by “walking the plank”
across the floor, which was open to the downstairs.

Kitchen before …  & after new sub-floor was put in


Sunken living room floor raised up and door cut to the office


You can now see where the dining room & front door will be.


Last night we drove up and found the whole front portion of the house gone… wow!
Can’t wait to see what’s coming next! Smile

Friday, May 10, 2013

Oh happy day…

Spent the day in Doon at “Mother’s Tea” with Evan’s class, and with
my sister-in-law Michelle and her kiddos. The weather was gorgeous!
We went out for supper as a family, my hubby brought home birthday cake,
and I was given gifts that were both bought and made with love.

“Mother’s Tea” with Evan


Ryan & Tyler enjoying the beautiful weather


Moriah & Kara, too


Thanks to all who sent cards & birthday wishes!
I have been very blessed!

This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”
Psalm 118:24

Friday, May 3, 2013

The new house

As many of you know, we bought a new house back in November.
After months of planning and not so patiently waiting,
the work is finally beginning. We are so excited!

Here are a few “before” pictures from last fall:



This one shows the big tree in front marked to come down to make room
for the dining room/front porch addition.


Here it is without the tree. We had 7 trees removed in preparation
for the work. Little did we know that 8 more trees would need to come
down after the big ice storm!


Landscaping prep work being done.


On Tuesday we were thrilled to find out they were finally doing the digging.
The kids could have watched the excavator for hours!



We’ll keep you posted on the progress! : )

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Combined Chapel

Our kids spent the day in Edgerton today.
Here are a couple of the special numbers given during chapel.
The mass number with all the kids from both schools was
especially beautiful, and I attempted to record it,
but Ryan was not feeling very cooperative at that point.
Maybe next time. ; )


Kindergarten & 1st Grade from Doon PR School


Grades 4 & 5 from Doon PR School